Dragon of Invincible (Unstoppable) - A Call From the Highest Heavens
Collection:Unstoppable Faith Design Description: A Call from the Highest Heavens portrays a massive dragon poised at the top of a mountain, its body emerging from the water and mouth opened to release a long bellowing roar that will fill the universe. A cloud floats over the mountain and mist swirls around it in lighter shades of amber liuli granules. According to the tradition surrounding this mythical creature, dragons are stewards of the rain, wind and clouds. Under their control, the weather is aligned in harmony. This crystal dragon figurine therefore conveys the wish that the same order and harmony will bless the future undertakings of whoever receives it. In conjunction with the sculpture's powerful sense of upward momentum, it is a symbol of career advancement. 龍吟九霄也是運用顆粒料燒製的作品,通過龍身不同部位的定色,表現神龍從水中升起,盤踞於高山之巔,在雲層中若隱若現的神秘感。雕塑上,巧妙構圖將水、山、雲三種元素融為一體,穩固的底座彷彿高聳如雲的山峰,透明底座中一層層縹緲的琉紋,又營造出雲霧升騰質感。左側凝練的線條,象徵蛟龍出海的場景。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.