LIULI Year of the Ox 2021 Crystal Statue Peak
Collection: 金牛 – 頂春雷動 Design Description: Fearless and full of moxie this little Peak ox is innocent and strong, pushing its horns upwards to announce its bravery. It is this fearlessness that oftentimes creates great achievements. Let the gift of strength and encouragement fill the year of 2021. 作品《頂尖》一頭滿鬥志滿、力量無窮的無畏小牛。作為《鼓舞》《騰躍淩宇宙》的青春版,《頂尖》小牛在創作上,同樣充滿了動感的姿態躍起的身軀,一身圓滾滾的小肌肉,還有著幾分babyfat,一對牛角努力卻向上頂起,多了一份小小憨態,令人忍俊不禁。 初生牛犢不怕虎,說的是小牛的勇敢和無畏也正是這樣不認輸的氣勢,帶來了意料不到的成就憑壯志,鼓舞乾坤,一步還比一步高。 誰還說小小牛犢,不能收穫大大成功呢? |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.