Crystal Chinese Vessel, Ding, Ease with Discernment-Ding of Ambitious Ascent
Collection:The Nine Ding of Profound Virtue Design Description: Strong imagery of mountainscapes and towering horizons are invoked in this glasswork from the collection “Nine Dings of Profound Virtue.” The sentiment is not a challenging one to relate to: The path to ambition need only transparency and sincerity with ease to be climbed successfully. A simple rockface of the mountainside symbolizes this ease and joy, conveying that the only essential truth in rising with success is truth itself. Crafted to honor this important harmony, this art piece is a subtle and moving reminder to act with the same balance in all relationships—social and familial. 《簡而廉》,是一款以山石層迭進行設計的鼎。 山石:剛毅、致遠、承載, 是亙古千年的存在, 意喻有高遠目光並有執行重責大任的能力外, 更象徵永續的傳承。 以山和石,象徵簡、正、磊落, 並在造型上, 兩邊山石向中心聚攏、登高, 是象徵具備簡與廉的品德, 一展恢弘高遠的抱負, 步步青雲向上的收穫成果。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.