Two carp lock eyes, bodies intertwined in dynamic power, and tails jointly form an infinity symbol. Captured in liuli, a moment of pure unreserved power. Fish is a popular motif of abundance in Asian culture. If we had to summarize a collective accomplishment, if we had to pinpoint a starting point for a collective dream, this symbol of united hearts, effort and ambition.
兩條鯉魚,眼神互相對望,身軀扭轉有力,身影則充滿了速度感,魚尾化成了流動的線條,以及無限的符號。琉璃定格的這一剎那,線條所體現的力量,可以看見彼此毫無保留的付出,也成為夥伴之間最值得信賴的默契,代表未來可期,來自彼此一心的付出,來自彼此一致的至向。雙魚的形象,代表富足有餘的美好祝福。 |