Crystal Animal, Baby Doll Riding Pig, Happy Together
Collection: Year of the Pig Design Description: When you are with a good friend, every moment is enjoyable. In the countryside lives a large and playful pig who keeps company with the village kids. Laughing\ out loud, a pig and a child share each other’s company. This design draws from a nostalgic scene and takes us on a journey back to good old days. Displaying in the living room or entryway, this artwork reminds us to live a simple life. This design is a great gift for the elderly. 大笑的豬,大笑的娃娃,笑得開懷,笑得滿足,笑得無憂無慮,家人好朋友在一起,除了開心還需要什麼呢? 在鄉村裡,豬圓滾滾的,好憨好大好肥, 浪漫的孩子們,腳踏著泥巴,徑是往豬的身上爬,豬也不生氣,就和孩子玩鬧一塊。《快樂一起的是富足》,是記憶裡場景的寫照也是新年裡帶我們回到最樸實的溫暖的一次旅程 大大的豬是財富,開心的娃娃是吉祥適合新年裡陳設于客廳、玄關,也是贈送長輩的佳選。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.