Crystal Persimmon, Kitchen Decor, Fortune Four Ways
Collection: Bathed in an Auspicious Glow, a Full Moon Rendezvous. Heaven and Earth in Harmony. Design Description: The iconic persimmon in Chinese culture has appeared in literature and art for well over a thousand years. The fruit grows well on the mountain slopes of Northern China and because of its name is often associated with luck in business and affairs. This art piece uses strong symbolism taken from old Chinese expressions, drawing upon all the luck and qi of the four corners of the Earth to manifest in one fruit of the earth. 柿子主體拋光,表現外形飽滿金紅,展現琉璃剔透的光,象徵生命彙聚光的能量;柿子飽滿金紅,豐厚圓碩、形如如意;蒂的旁邊飾以對稱的四個蝙蝠錢幣浮雕,福事連連,碩果常在;因“柿”與“事”諧音,又有“事事如意”的好寓意。以如意福柿,願事有福、人有福、好運常在;願生命的所有努力都能夠開花結果,展望人生豐收好時節。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.