Wish (Collector Edition)
Collection: Light Exists Because of Love Design Description: This is a Guanyin figurine inspired by the Hechang Guanyin (Clasped Palm Guanyin) in collector's edition (5.91" in height) vs regular version (10.91" height). Clasped palms are used to center the mind, show reverence and display resolve to release the world from suffering. As this miniature Buddha figurine leans forward in an expression of compassion for all beings, a brilliant halo emanates from her head in concentric circles. Her robe falls around her like gentle water in harmony with the abstract pedestal forming the base of this piece of Buddha décor. The whole crystal Buddha figurine is suffused with shimmering brightness and tranquility. 作品以“合掌觀音”為原型。合掌,雙手合十,集中心思,恭敬禮拜之意。觀音合攏雙掌,虔誠許願,渡盡人間一切疾苦。 一圈圈的同心圓構成頭光,光向外擴散,無量光明。觀音慈祥、溫柔,含著淡淡微笑,彷彿在傾聽人們的願望。希望以這樣安靜平和的狀態,祈人心正無妄,世間安定祥和。
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.