LIULI Crystal Elephant Raising Trunk Sculpture, The Auspicious Elephant
Collection:我的神獸朋友 Design Description: The elephant ambles forward, propelled by tension and its large mass - one can tell that it is a young elephant. It raises its head as if filling the vase on its back with water from its trunk. With a joyous smile, it walks toward success. Water is a symbol of fortune - where there is water, there is wealth. The elephant filling its trunk with water symbolizes the accumulation of fortune and luck. The image of an elephant with an uplifted trunk symbolizes dynamism and joy. Place this piece in the home to spread goodwill, happiness and joy to all within. 大象邁步向前, 因為全身富有彈力且圓潤的身體, 你可以看出它是一隻小象, 行走裡, 抬頭而上象鼻, 像是取水放入身上的瓶中, 充滿歡快笑容裡, 步步向前, 步步功成。 它既富貴又招財,「遇水則發」,因此水就代表財,而大象長長的鼻子擅長吸水,因此又有吸納財氣的風水意義。 帶來喜樂:鼻子朝上的大象又稱為「噴水象」,噴水的大象代表了活潑、歡愉,因此又象徵了將歡樂的氣息噴灑在家中,讓所有人都能感受到喜悅、和樂。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.