Crystal Fish, Carp Fish, Becoming Dragon
Design Concept: A school of 9 carp fish swim upward, giving it their all. In various poses, in one direction, singing a single courageous tune. With hearts united, no wave is too strong. Chinese legend has it that the carp who leaps over Dragon’s Gate will become a dragon. This moment has often been commemorated in poetry and has come to symbolize achievement and success. The lively carp is in constant motion, advancing through rivers with courage. In a school, the carp swim past obstacles together, joyfully. In a school, they exude strength and teamwork. 九條鯉魚的群像塑造向上,姿態各異,但朝著同一個方向,共譜生命的英雄曲。鯉魚奔騰活躍,力爭上游,在江海中激流勇進。與夥伴同行,即使路有荊棘,也昂揚向上,歡歌笑語。中國古代傳說只要鯉魚能夠跳過龍門 ,就會變化成為真龍。鯉魚象徵著勤勞、善良、堅貞、吉祥,鯉魚積極奮鬥的形象總會給人以力量,團隊共向一心更需要活力去迎接未來。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.