Crystal Animal, Bull, Moving Mountain, Moving Stream
Collection: Buoyed by Spring Light Design Description: Bursting forth with explosive strength is the bull, both absorbing the changes of its environment and expounding upon it in a fluid and dynamic motion. The glasswork plays an important role here, showering the surrounding area with a vivacious light and feeling of empowerment. 作品突出的,是一種牛的動感力量。 牛身上寫實又誇大的肌理展現,形成一股「衝勁」,充滿暴發力, 尤看昂頭、轉腰、蹬腿,浪花飛濺,是動感裡,速度與力量的完美結合,如此強烈的動態雕塑,是琉璃工房在牛相關的作品上,極少見的。 牛被視為拓財,聚財,豐收的象徵。 牛激踏浪花,有取風水裡「水生財」之意,寓意活水源源不絕,富貴不止,因此作品有開拓,創造,廣進財源的祝福寓意。 牛堅定的雙眼,專注凝視前方,是向美好未來前進,衝刺, 後蹄高揚,向前、開創、榮景,看清方向, 力量的撼動,展現一股勢在必得的信心。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.