Crystal Zodiac Year of the Horse, Crystal Figurine
Collection:Dragon on the Heavenly ShoreChinese, Zodiac Animals in Bright Florals Design Description: This crystal figurine of a playful horse is one of LIULI’s most popular gifting items. The artwork is small yet makes a statement. Part of our complete zodiac collection from 2014, “Jovial in Good Spirit” shows a horse laughing with glee and perhaps even a little mischievous. Like other pieces from its collection, this one comes in two colors and is decorated with traditional Chinese paper-cutting patterns most often used during seasonal festivals. The small crystal glass horse makes for a perfect birthday or holiday gift. Incidentally, its mane also resembles Elvis Presley’s immaculately groomed hairstyle. 以中國經典之花紙作為設計概念, 誇張和擬人的手法著重刻畫馬的特徵。周身都飾有吉祥圖紋,寓意前途似錦。小馬頭部的鬃毛豎立,形如貓王的髮型。側臉開懷大笑,露出一顆顆飽滿的牙齒,神情俏皮。古時相馬,其中一項就是看馬的牙齒,牙齒能反映馬的年齡及健康狀況。小馬牙齒整齊,健康快樂。健康快樂的秘笈是,天天讓牙齒曬太陽。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.