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Crystal Feng Shui, Eight Auspicious Offerings, Victory Banner-Auspices Far and Wide


Collection: Eight Auspicious Offerings

Design Description:

Among the eight artifacts in the story of Gautama Buddha’s path to enlightenment, the “dhvaja”—or “victory banner”—was a symbol of warfare that in scripture was used to represent the Buddha’s triumphs over four obstacles to enlightenment:  Pride, desire, disturbing emotions, and fear of death.  In LIULI’s artistic interpretation of the ancient scriptures and the “Ashtamangala,” this particular artifact is sculpted into a golden-amber low relief glass piece, radiating from within it energy and auspiciousness.  “Victory Banner” represents triumph and the personal victories one has over his or her demons.  The artwork is deeply symbolic, rooted in historical reference, and has both religious and secular connotations.


「吉祥」是佛學裡,之於庇佑天下的冀望,也是中國人,之於世事安穩的渴求。「吉祥」一詞,是知道生命有太多的缺憾,興衰,圓缺,悲歡離合之後,人,對生命的最深祈願。佛法八吉祥,以巧妙的圖騰,對人世所有對境,逐一作了祈祝。是正念的觀照,也是人生逆境的鼓舞。 "

Victory Banner - Auspices Far and Wide

Seek luck, avoid adversity,
forge a bond with tranquility.
Propitious light far and wide,
auspicious is the victory banner.

八吉祥 - 寶幢 - 高遠吉祥


Item No.:



5*3.5*10.8 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre 脫蠟鑄造法 

Limited Edition:

5,000 pieces

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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