Crystal Treasure Vase, Feng Shui, Dragon of Earth Element, Dragon Rising Baoping
Collection: Emergence of the Dragon Design Description: Erupting from stone, a dragon of the “earth element” emerges from this artwork as a single, solitary power. Symbolically traditional, the piece possesses strong hints of both impressionist and expressionist styles in its rough, rock-like contours. The unsmooth textures here are derived from the Chinese “dzun fa” method of painting cracked textures, adding the perfect depth and contrast that reflects the dragon’s yin-yang spirit. The best way it can be described is in the intangible spirit expressed by both form and lack of form. With a mouth-blown crystal base for the baoping’s (or treasure vase) body, LIULI artists use sheets of uniquely patterned gold leaf. There is no other artwork in the world that took the same kind of technical prowess as this collection. Rooted in deep tradition and cultural symbolism, this contemporary piece is both bold and explosive in its courage. 土龍,破山石而出,氣勢如虹。作品描繪了神龍岀岫場景,風雲驟變,山石迸裂。龍穩穩攀在岩石之上,爪子蒼勁有力,彷彿深紮岩中。昂首沉吟,身姿迴轉向上,呈擎天之勢。龍身以山石鑿面為意象,嶙峋的峰巒,峻峭的岩壁,象徵龍的錚錚傲骨。岩石的表現,借鑑了國畫中皴法方式,局部的拋光面與岩石,產生強烈對比和視覺衝擊。龍尾高揚,似將直上雲天。身姿九曲迴轉,越靠近尾部越細,製作過程中,稍有不慎,尾巴極易斷裂,全憑巧勁。龍爪與火焰披毛以金箔點綴,與瓶上的金箔相互呼應。龍身局部較厚,呈不透明狀,宛如籠罩在山嵐之氣中。神龍,上天入地,無所不能。 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.