Crystal Feng Shui Ruyi, Camellia, Ruyi of Virtue
Collection:The Majestic Age of Ruyi This elegant 3-inlay ruyi combines the classic bamboo design with a flower motif. A delicately wrought camellia flower blooms from the head, its layered petals surrounding a crimson LIULI bead. The bamboo and the camellia together signify infinite life and energy. Bamboo also symbolizes moral strength, solid yet humble character, the qualities of a virtuous gentlemen according to Chinese culture. In the feng shui tradition, this ruyi symbolizes good luck and good fortune. It promotes peace and well-being, while also serving as a symbol of authority, leadership and power. These qualities make it an honorable gift for royals. 富貴, 是一種幸福的願望, 富貴的期許和祈求, 轉換成各式各樣的象徵事物, 如意即是 竹子集天地之靈氣,被視為開運之物,象徵著節節高升,其“寧折不彎”,“中通外直”的特點,是對於君子品格的最好詮釋。茶花,也被稱為“忍冬”,生命力極強。兩種元素結合,寓意生生不息。身處雅居,一柄“君子如意”添幾分幽靜與氣韻。 |
Ruyi of Virtue The true nature of the bamboo A person of great virtue |
君子如意 修竹本色 |
* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.