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Collector Edition-Crystal Flower, Orchid, A Chinese Liuli Flower, Imminent Spring Dance


Collection: A Chinese LIULI Flower 

Design Description:

In traditional Chinese culture, the spring orchid symbolizes nobility, elegance, and a conflict-free society; it is the ethical ideal of traditional Chinese culture that Confucius often referred to.  The orchid is the gentleman of flowers.  The raised flowers in the design represent the first sign of a flourishing spring.  A gust of spring wind, a fragrant harbinger, joyful news, and the wide open and explicit conviction of the orchid.

The joined flower and leaf in the design come together to form a seamless circle.  Although the technical difficulties are great, it ensures the fluidity of the final presentation and a harmonious union, capturing the moment of a perfect spring breeze.

The Orchid, in Chinese culture, is the artistic paradigm of the spring season. The flower ushers in spring with a gentle fragrance, welcoming it with both grace and virtue. This crystal sculpture encompasses both abstract and naturalistic elements to invoke the living orchid. While it has a polished base, resembling a stalk, the glass flower itself uses powdered crystal for a vibrant contrast. The two pieces are crafted separately, fired in the kiln at different temperatures, before being expertly joined together in the same kiln. Conceived with such masterful technique, the resulting glass art captures the orchid’s noble elegance, coming to life in a spring dance to paint the season in vivid color.

A crystal glass flower sculpture of the Orchid flower represents or symbolizes spring awakening, nobility, and elegance. 

一朵中國琉璃花; 藝術家楊惠姍心靈深處的夢顏色是什麼? 她努力的用花朵去呈現她的每一段時間的生命狀態, 她希望那是在民族感下的獨一無二的花的綻放,是詩意的,是呈現生命狀態的詮釋。 花的顏色逼近真實,而經過放大,在“真實”與“不真實”的矛盾裡又產生出奇怪的真實, 依附在一種脆弱的琉璃材質去呈現,是生命中的謙卑和悲憫。 春蘭象徵高潔、清雅,與世無爭,最能寄託中國傳統文化中對“德者”的理想,被譽為花中君子,作品中,花的高高在上,象徵“首春則發”的特質,春風吹過,香達於外,聞之則喜,展現空穀幽蘭不群不爭,淡泊明志的信念。 此系列作品採用工房精典的粉燒定色工藝,精准的還原蘭花原本的顏色.它輕盈的身姿猶如一個個跳舞的精靈,在風中搖曳。努力綻放的姿態,表現積極向上努力拼搏的精神。此件作品藝術家系列被中國美術館列入永久性館藏作品。

Imminent Spring Dance

A hint of fragrance
The stark northern wind.
A gentleman’s intent
Excellence upheld.



Item No.:



27.6*26.4*39.1 cm


Crystal Glass


Pate de Verre 脫蠟鑄造法 

Limited Edition:

880 pieces

* Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.

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